Consulting Services

Strategic Services

Strategic planning

Strategic advising

Strategic communications

Organization alignment

Se Puede PDX is here as a thought partner and accomplice for organizations charting their path forward and determining their lane in the broader ecosystem of work. We know that we need to be clear about goals and desired impact in order to be successful at creating change for our communities.

This partnership can look like anything from creating a 1-5 year plan or having a a handful of strategy sessions. We can help organizations develop a communications and messaging framework, assess and aligning organizational impact, and more.

Design & Evaluation

Program design

Program evaluation

Policy design & development

Results Based Accountability

Se Puede PDX specializes in operationalizing impact and the “how” of movement building work. Our approach is based in understanding and addressing the root causes of the problems we’re attempting to address, and designing solutions to address those underlying roots.

We are here to work with organizations developing, evaluating, or redesigning programs and policies aimed to have a social impact. This can look like coaching staff through design and implementation, or developing a program or policy framework with stakeholder impact. Se Puede PDX is an experienced facilitator and trainer in Anti-Racist Results Based Accountability methodology, and can leverage that as an explicit or implicit part of our social impact work.

Interpersonal Services

Executive Coaching

Meeting facilitation - including affinity

Conflict resolution

Limited Spanish translation

While Se Puede PDX’s focus is on organizations and systems, none of this is possible without the people working in and outside of these structures. Our range of interpersonal services includes offerings at the individual level needed to help move this work along.

We are skilled at providing executive coaching for leaders working to create change in their organization, as well anti-racist coaching for individuals working throughout organizations. We offer meeting facilitation for social impact projects and conflict resolution for individuals and organizations working to create systemic change. Se Puede PDX offers bi-lingual Spanish/English facilitation. We also offer Spanish translation and interpretation specifically for affordable housing, urban planning, and policy; recognizing the challenges in properly translating technical information into other languages.

Organization Management

Board management and training

Foundational documents

Budget planning and grant writing

501 (c)(3), 501 (c)(4), and PAC structure

Few people enter social impact work to dive into the weeds of organization and change management. While often the most tedious parts of the work, having a solid foundation is critical for the success and longevity of any organization’s work.

Se Puede PDX is equipped to support organization infrastructure needs and make sure you have the systems in place to be able to focus on programs and impact. This includes helping develop or revise key organization documents (charter, bylaws, etc), leadership (board structure, onboarding, and training), and budget development. We can also help nonprofits set up and manage separate and connected 501 (c)(3), (c)(4), and PAC structures.